Wednesday, November 24, 2010

BBC History of Low Carb Diet - Part 3

Listen to the weekly podcast Our goal is to provide good information to help you lose weight! Vincent Vegan and Marc Sage offer a weekly podcast about all things running in the diet and weight loss world - we focus mainly on Low Carb and Vegetarianism but we speak - is enjoying something I found on the Internet that I thought of you! The world's most famous and swallowed his advice. He wrote one of thethe best-selling diet of all time, and was on his extraordinary belief that you eat as much as you want and still lose weight. His name was Dr. Robert Atkins, author of the Atkins diet revolution. To some Dr Atkins was a hero, to others his diet scientific heresy and potentially deadly. In a series of innovative experiments Horizon investigates the truth behind the most controversial diet in history. Is the Atkins diet really works and is it dangerous?

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